$CLEO Directive

The last piece to learn before writing a CLEO script is to understand how to compile it and see in the game.

Sanny Builder makes it trivial. You need to go to File -> New CLEO script....

New CLEO script menu

Sanny Builder will create a basic template for you:

{$CLEO .cs}


Here you can see two commands: nop and terminate_this_custom_script, one that we saw already. nop does nothing, it is just a placeholder, but it comes in handy when using loops. We will discuss them in the next chapter. For now you can simply ignore or delete this line.

The key part here is the first line: {$CLEO .cs}. Lines enclosed in {$...} are directives. They are special commands that alter Sanny Builder's behavior during compilation.

$CLEO directive tells Sanny Builder to compile the script as a separate file with .cs extension. All you need to do is to copy the compiled .cs file into the game folder. Sanny Builder can do it for you if you press F7 or go to Run -> Compile + Copy.

Compile+Copy menu

Without {$CLEO} this script will be compiled into a main.scm file.